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Hi, I'm Jana 


This May surprise you, but movement wasn't always a priority for me.

Back in 2002, I moved to New Zealand and soon became a mum of 3 beautiful children.

I loved my new life and my family dearly, but before I knew it, it was 10 years, 3 kids, and countless injuries and pains later, I realised that I had forgotten about me.

I was strapped for time, rushing after 3 kids and just didn't have the energy to be pouring more into myself. I had allowed myself not to be a priority in my own life. And so, the aches and pains only got worse. 
Eventually, I got fed up enough to take real action; I couldn't count on my body to carry me through even the simplest of tasks! I knew that if I didn't change anything, I would kick myself in 30 years.

So, I hired my first trainer!

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That experience shifted everything for me!

Within a few short months together, I felt ... strong! But not just physically strong, the mental strength that I gained made me feel unstoppable! It allowed me to build up my courage enough to do a big scary thing, to become a personal trainer myself.

I wanted everyone to experience this newfound intristic strength I had tapped into!

Now, it is my mission to empower other women to nurture and move their bodies in a way that enables them to live their life to the fullest!

Some things about me:

  • I'm the first (and only!) certified female TACFIT Instructor in New Zealand - it's a badge of honour, and I wear it with pride!

  • I'm also certified in personal training, kettlebell instruction, and strength and conditioning - I know my stuff!

  • I'm building a tribe of strong, amazing women - capable of taking on the world!

Become a part of this unstoppable community of women and get access to free tips, guides and more in my Facebook group!

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